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Your support matters

100% of donations go towards community impact.

With your contributions we are able to expand our services, provide scholarships and give back to our community.

We believe that money shouldn’t be a barrier to being your best authentic self. In a world where you can “buy” happiness we are here to show people that all we need is right inside of us. That by paying it forward we can spread health and wellbeing.

Be Kind 5 develops partnerships with organization and warriors for kindness in the community to provide access to tools, experiences and support to meet their kindness goals (mind, body, wallet, neighbor and planet).


With your contributions we organize:

  • workshops & coaching for developing mental, financial, holisitc wellness

  • volunteer opportunities to renovate shelters and community centers in partnership with Girls Giving Back

  • all ages events focused on giving back & social emotional health

  • recognition and support for people working in non-profit shelters and community centers

#bekind5 #smallstepsbigchanges #bethechange #kindnesswarriors #payitforward